Being still Beta, lets assume you kept writing…

After months of work, you’ve finally reached the end of draft one. For some writers, draft one is like this ball of fur spat by a cat. It’s ugly, hairy and wet, but it contains your story like a gem hidden under layers of slime.

Super kitty

You still have that original plot plan. Are you satisfied with how your story has evolved? Are you satisfied with your ending? What about your beginning?

It is said that while the beginning will hook the readers and made them continue to read your story, the ending will make them either spread the word about your novel or forget about it.

Is there a belly to your middle part? A part where the story has sagged and it’s dragging your characters along sluggishly?


Now it’s the time to work on improving your plot. To improve your protagonist’s journey and eventually beef up your antagonist. Is your antagonist posing a real threat to your protagonist or are they there just for the show?

Once you’re happy with all these improvements, it’s time to re-write. Not only to integrate the changes into your story, but also to begin paying attention to your word choice. To your style.

Font style

It’s time to show us some style.