The Orange Mall was the central piece of the Orange Kingdom’s royal citadel. A wide sprawl of asphalt along a water canal. At its southern end was the Orange Pallagorium (formerly called Pallatolium) and at its northern end, it was the Wallus, a Border Wall Memorial. A controversial piece of… w-art.
The Royalists had argued that there was no place for the word “Memorial” in its name, as the Wall was brand new and still standing. But his Orangeness was adamant about his decision. He’d realized soon in his royal career that memorials held an important part in his subjects’ life. So, he’d thought, if it’s “Memorial”, it’s connected to memory, so let them remember there’s a wall to keep them safe. Safe was another word he particularly liked. He used it in almost every one of his speeches. Ah, he loved his speeches. And if he loved them, the people surely love them too. He was a man of universal taste.
His opposition, the Globalists, had argued that a tall pole does not represent a wall. Well, that was open to interpretation and his Orangeness was the best interpreter in the kingdom. Arguably in the world, but he was a modest man. He liked to offer his Court the opportunity to observe things. Like his brilliance.
Looked at from any angle, the Wallus resembled a specific shape censored in children’s shows.
Observed from the vantage of the Pallagorium’s top terrace, the Orange Mall looked like something graphic and again censored in a children’s show. A sight that gave the Orange King something to yearn for every morning when drinking his Morning Ultima Potent Beverage. Actually, the graphic interpretation of the Mall kept in submission by the presence of the Wallus was more like an ideal, like something to look forward to.
That same glorious morning, the Mighty Beaver walked along the Mall’s water canal. He’d just visited the Border Wall Memorial and now was heading towards the Pallagorium. The Orange Patrols patrolled the Mall and didn’t have any idea he was already there. And even if they had that piece of information, they wouldn’t have known what to do with it. Such was the special nature of the Mighty Beaver.
Reaching the southern end of the Mall, Beaver faced the Pallagorium and looked straight into the Orange King’s eyes as his Orangeness took another sip from his black Morning Ultima Potent Beverage. A shiver crossed the king, but he had no clue what just happened. That this day was to be the first day of his last stretch of time on the throne.
To be continued. Meanwhile, click HERE.