Worldcon has come and gone. I know, I’m a bit late with this, but we spent one more week in Edinburgh so… Scotland was great overall. Beautiful country, wonderful people, great history and architecture, and good culinary experiences. And whisky. Don’t forget the whisky.

Costi in front of the banner

Costi and whisky

As for the convention… a really good Worldcon, some panels, some table-talks, some workshops, some old friends, some new friends, all in all great. The greatest thing is that I had my table at Worldcon, in the Dealers’ Room! In partnership with Asengana—the writing management app.

Green Corrosion Buttons

Emanuel and Costi at the dealers table Vali and Costi at the dealers table Costi signing books Costi and whisky Worldcon Panel Costi receiving payment for a book Hugo Awards

Sold most of my books and my latest novel, “Green Corrosion” was my best seller. I also had the chance to tell its story and the story of the next book in the trilogy, “Pink Corrosion” to some people.

Vali and her Sunday Car

Now, that made me happy. And a happy writer is rare, I’m telling you. Whoever says otherwise is pretending.