Dictatorship (noun)  dic·ta·tor·ship   \  dik-ˈtā-tər-ˌship \ — a form of government in which absolute power is concentrated in a dictator or a small clique

In the first half of the XXth century humanity had a sudden burst of scientific advancement, saw the birth of some of the worst and in-humane totalitarian regimes (five that counted in what happened), two world wars followed by a reversal of politics in all western world, from a conservative, nationalistic, money-oriented platform to a democratic with a dash of socialism one.

The two most famous of those totalitarian regimes (Germany and Japan) had known some of the fastest and aggressive technological and economic evolutions, becoming two of the most powerful nations of their times.

In Germany, Hitler and his party hadn’t come into power through force. He’d been elected for his promises regarding measures against immigrants, undesirable groups of populations, and creation of a strong local economy, without reliance on foreign resources. He promised the disenchanted a better life and a new and glorious Germany. The force, violence and freedoms stripping came later when the political apparatus served him completely.

You can play Absolutism without this historical perspective, but we thought that if you’re aware of it your experience would be richer.


The party card game Absolutism presents you with unfathomable scenarios of daily life in a totalitarian society to which you, the player, have to offer solutions. But as no sane solutions can save you in a real dictatorship, in Absolutism your solutions will be absurd and hilarious, based on modern life values.

It uncovers the hilarious truth about who is the most dictatorial in your group of friends or among your family members. It should be played in groups of four or more, up to ten players and it is perfect for grown-ups.

See more here.

Absolutism Cards