RecipeArium Launch MENU

RecipeArium Launch MENU

We have finally reached an agreement with the Chefs of our “Out There” suppliers. And we can now present the menu we will serve for your pleasure on Friday evening, at the launch of “RecipeArium”, during AdAstra. Chef Valiria (presented on the book cover) will take care of the cooking details.

The Glass Plague for Aurora Awards

The Glass Plague for Aurora Awards

“The Glass Plague” by Costi Gurgu for your Prix Aurora Awards consideration. The story was published in 2016, in the “Dark Horizons” Anthology.
Everybody called it the Glass Plague because of the way the glassy alien substance spread and infected the city street by street, house by house.

Tips of the Day—Buy in Bulk!

Tips of the Day—Buy in Bulk!

I’ve been advised by an important person to tell you this: BUY IN BULK. Yup, you better buy RecipeArium in bulk, so that in ten years from now, when I’ll be famous like… (can’t tell you who), you can start selling my book for twenty times its price and make a fortune...


I let slip in the invitation to RecipeArium’s launch, at AdAstra, that I will offer some ALIEN DELICACIES. See, I’m still in negotiations with my providers from… up there (or out there, whatever suits you).

Tips of the Day—Buy in Bulk!

RecipeArium—Cover Reveal

I finally have the final cover for RecipeArium. First and fourth cover (the spine is a bonus). Art by Costi Gurgu (oui, by moi) and design by Scott Wilson, the art director of White Cat Publications.