The art of Costi Gurgu lies on how he balances his characters perceptions of reality, as well as their moral motivations, between curiosity and greed, fear and sense of adventure. Short History of Romanian Speculative Fiction by Catalin Badea-Gheracostea, published in...
Chronicles from the End of the World show Costi Gurgu again in the position of a complex writer, master of a wide array of stylistic tools, able to mix in subtle dosages the reality and the imaginary of fantastic origin. The secret of his recipe seems to be a carousel...
The first thing I liked about Chronicles at the End of the World is how Gurgu mixes the “Canadian” stories with the “Romanian” ones, succeeding in creating a melange that brilliantly illustrates the different ways of writing SF and Fantasy, and the extreme thematic...
Beyond the Lighthouse at the End of the Worlds, The Never Ending Library and The Dava of the Gods are stories of a distinct strangeness, that combine in a unique way SF themes and elements with dynamic action meant to captivate the reader and ingredients of a...
(…) Therefore, it would be impossible that such a complex world like the one built in Recipearium not to give birth to new stories—and so we find Secret Recipes in Costi’s new book from Millennium Books, Chronicles from the End of the World (in which you can also meet...