I am delighted to announce that one of my designs have been mentioned in the New York Times by the one and only Margaret Atwood. Now, I’m sure she doesn’t know my name and she didn’t want to praise me personally, but her opinion was that: “Water Is…,” this beautifully designed book”.
You can read the entire editorial here.
And yes, before you ask, I designed that book from cover to cover and I also illustrated the cover.
Now, I know, this piece of news worked better on my illustration portfolio site: http://illustration.costigurgu.com
The thing is that I haven’t updated my online portfolio in two years. I know, shame on me. But lately I put so much time in writing that I skipped a lot of my regular designer duties. That doesn’t mean that when praised for my design I don’t care. I do. Design is very much part of who I’ve been for the last two decades and who I still am today.
So, I’m very, very happy that my work has been mentioned in the New York Times. I mean this is one of those places where you can only dream to be mentioned. So now I can say that I DID IT!
The book “Water Is…”, written by the fabulous limnologist and science fiction writer Nina Munteanu can be found on Amazon. And as I said before, “Water Is…” it’s a must read.