Join Costi Gurgu for the long-awaited launch of his book, RecipeArium, declared by “The Word” Magazine “the most original piece of fiction in modern literature”, and called by Robert J. Sawyer “a brilliant, haunting tale — this is the new new weird”.
Come in for the book and indulge in a taste of ALIEN DELICACIES prepared after Master Recipear Plabos’ recipes from the Royal Carami.
There will be refreshments and PRIZES too.
The event will take place during the Ad Astra Convention in Toronto, on Friday May 5th, 2017, from 6 PM to 8 PM. Closer to the event I can post the exact room of its happening. And yes, refreshments, some food, and prizes. Some of them alien as in from out there, some alien as in across the pond and some not that alien. More details to come.