On Goodreads, Bogdan (of “CititorSF” review blog) reviewed the anthology “Dark Horizons”, edited by Charles P. Zaglanis for Elder Signs Press. It gave the anthology an overall four star (out of five) and made a sort of top stories based on different criteria: “The most hated story”, “The most entertaining story”, “The one I liked a lot in the beginning…” and so on. I’ll post here a few lines from what he had to say about my story:
<<“The one with the most depth and character building” : The Glass Plague – Costi Gurgu. Because the characters are really sticking with you, the mystery and the unknown Plague goes in the back of your mind and is very intriguing. The complexity of the characters struggling in a day to day basis has an important role in the evolution of the story. And I have to say that this is the longest story of the volume with 28 pages after the numbering in the Contents Area.>>
So, my award winner “The Glass Plague” strikes again!!!