And another fantastic review of “Green Corrosion”, this time by BookLife:

“Richly imagined post-apocalypse of mutations, humanity, and wild action.”

“Gurgu (RecipeArium) creates a fresh post-apocalyptic hellscape filled with horrible mutations, petty tyrants, and the inescapable pull of market forces, but he also instills his narrative with hope and humanity. (…)

From the decadence of Boris’ palace life as well as the daily struggles of the shopkeeper Stev and the old revolutionary Jon, Gurgu immerses readers in the day to day details of life of the Corrosives and their world, his emphasis on the senses—the stench of death and of predators called Nightmares—as well as the organization of society. (…)

Ultimately, this is a story about how, even in the darkest times, the cold facts of science must be tempered with humanism.”


Green Corrosion Novel Full Cover